Year ending September 2020

Our National Visitor Survey results provide statistics on how Australian residents travel within Australia.

You can find national, state and territory results for the:

  • number of trips taken
  • number of nights spent on a trip
  • amount spent on a trip

You can also:

  • read about the factors influencing travel within Australia
  • see the changes compared over various timeframes impacted by bushfires and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Key results

Domestic trips and spend

For the year ending September 2020:

  • Domestic overnight trips fell 31% to 80.3 million.
  • This resulted in spend falling 34% or $27.2 billion to $51.9 billion.

For the September quarter 2020:

  • Intrastate travel drove increased activity compared to the June quarter. Spend was down 53% to $9.7 billion and overnight trips were down 42% to 16.5 million. For the June quarter, spend fell 80% and overnight trips fell 67%.

Total tourism

For January to September 2020, total domestic and international tourism losses were $59.1 billion. These losses comprised:

  • $28.8 billion for domestic overnight travel
  • $7.3 billion for domestic day trips
  • $23 billion for international travel.


Early national data on domestic overnight trip rates suggest there may be further improvement at the end of 2020. However, the COVID-19 outbreak in Sydney in the lead up to Christmas will have an impact.

Download the report

Explore overnight trips data

Interact with our data for domestic overnight trips for year ending September 2020. You can view the data by:

  • state or territory
  • capital city or region
  • interstate and intrastate trips
  • accommodation type
  • reason for travel

Data tables

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