What is the Longitudinal Indicators for the Visitor Economy (LIVE) Framework?

Historically, the progress and sustainable development of the visitor economy has primarily been measured and understood in economic terms. However, in recent years, there has been increasing recognition, both domestically and internationally, that understanding the overall health of the visitor economy requires the collection and reporting of a wider range of metrics and indicators.

The Longitudinal Indicators for the Visitor Economy (LIVE) framework aims to provide that more complete picture. It does this by measuring and reporting on social, environmental and institutional factors, alongside the more traditional economic considerations. These additional factors also increase awareness of issues considered important for the sustainable development of the visitor economy.

Reporting on both economic and non-economic factors is in line with broader reporting practices being adopted in other countries and global organisations, such as in the European Union.

The LIVE framework, Longitudinal Indicators for the Visitor Economy. 

Access individual indicators from the top menus. Indicators cover economic, social, environmental and institutional data.

Most indicators have a range of data choices at the top.

Square points allow multiple choices to be selected for data comparisons. Round points are single selection only.  

Data can be viewed as a chart or a table. 

Rollover the data points for more information. 

Each indicator has an explanation and more information in the purpose section.

If the menu will not retract, click on your selection again.  

Some indicators have options to scroll for more information. 

The latest LIVE Framework data

Additional information can be found by rolling over the data points in the graph below. Check this page regularly as it is updated in line with data releases from key sources.

Over time, we expect to enhance the Framework and potentially add new indicators as they are developed or as new data sources become available, drawing on consultation with industry and other experts. 

The history of the LIVE Framework

THRIVE 2030 is Australia’s national strategy for the long-term sustainable growth of the visitor economy. Improving data and insights is a THRIVE 2030 priority with a range of actions including the creation of an Industry Data and Expert Analysis (IDEA) Working Group. The Working Group supported the idea of the LIVE Framework in its 2023 Recommendations Report.

The conceptual framework for the LIVE indicators was developed in consultation with:

  • industry representative groups
  • the Australian Standing Committee on Tourism (ASCOT)
  • the Tourism Research Committee. 


Indicator NameData SourceData release frequency
Economic value of tourism Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Tourism Satellite Account, Tourism Research Australia (TRA) State Tourism Satellite AccountAnnual
Tourism JobsAustralian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Tourism Satellite Account: Tourism Research Australia Quarterly Tourism Labour Statistics Quarterly
Investment in TourismTourism Research Australia Tourism Investment MonitorAnnually 
Visitor Economy ExpenditureTourism Research Australia (TRA) National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS)Quarterly
Average spend per night Tourism Research Australia (TRA) National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS)Quarterly
Business events expenditureTourism Research Australia (TRA) National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS) Quarterly
International visitor concentrationTourism Research Australia (TRA) National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS)Quarterly 
Inbound vs outbound visitationTourism Research Australia (TRA) Tourism ForecastsAnnually
Airline capacity  CiriumMonthly
International visitor sentimentTourism Research Australia (TRA) International Visitor Survey (IVS) Quarterly
Tourism accessibility Tourism Australia Consumer Demand Project Annual 
First Nations’ EngagementTourism Research Australia (TRA) National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS)Quarterly
International first-time visitation Tourism Research Australia (TRA) International Visitor Survey (IVS)Quarterly
Regional vs capital city visitationTourism Research Australia (TRA) National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS) Quarterly
Domestic visitor densityDSpark mobility data, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) census dataMonthly 
International desirabilityTourism Australia Consumer Demand ProjectQuarterly
Tourism greenhouse gas emissions intensity Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW) National Inventory by Economic Sector (NIbES), Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Accounts Data, Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) historical dataAnnually 
International sustainable destination rankingWorld Economic Forum (WEF) Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) Every two years
State and national park visitationTourism Research Australia (TRA) National Visitor Survey (NVS) Quarterly 
Tourism related digital capabilityAustralian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Characteristics of Australian BusinessEvery two years
Tourism related Innovation Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Business Expenditure on Research and Development (BERD)Every two years  

Contact TRA

mail   tourism.research@tra.gov.au