Key results

The 2022-23 tourism investment pipeline consisted of 307 projects with a value of $56.1 billion.

The Tourism Investment Monitor details investment in 3 key tourism segments. We identified the following characteristics for 2022-23:

  • Aviation: 19 projects valued at $18.8 billion
  • Arts, recreation, and business services: 129 projects valued at $25.1 billion
  • Accommodation: 159 projects valued at $12.2 billion. These projects have the potential to contribute 24,300 rooms to the national accommodation supply.

The report also groups investments by project phase. In 2022-23, there were:

  • 40 projects valued at $13.0 billion in the proposed phase
  • 154 projects valued at $23.3 billion in the planning phase
  • 113 projects valued at $19.8 billion in the under-construction phase.

About the report

The Tourism Investment Monitor reports on:

  • recent tourism investment trends
  • the location of projects, by state and territory
  • progress through stages of the development timeline.

The pipeline:

  • includes stand-alone accommodation projects
  • excludes mixed-use developments from the total
  • contains separate analysis of the value and volume of mixed-use projects with a tourism component.

Data sources

The 2022-23 investment pipeline uses 4 key data sources:

  • Deloitte Access Economics’ Investment Monitor
  • STR Global Asia Pacific’s Pipeline Database
  • Commonwealth, state and territory budget papers
  • Investment authorities within state and territory governments.

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