About the data

The Regional Tourism Satellite Account provides annual data for Australia’s tourism regions. This data includes:

  • tourism gross value added (GVA) – direct, indirect and total, as well as across different industries
  • tourism gross regional product (GRP) – direct, indirect and total
  • tourism employment by full time or part time workers, as well as across different industries
  • tourism consumption by visitor type (international or domestic), as well as across different industries
  • population
  • number of tourism businesses.

This data enables you to:

  • compare different regions
  • understand changes in economic activity over the years.

Tourism region data for states and territories

Explore tourism region data for each state and territory.

Choose a state or territory from the tabs. Select a tourism region. You can view:

  • Regional summary – a time series of the data from 2006-07 to 2019-20
  • Consumption by tourism product
  • Gross value added – the economic value of goods and services produced
  • Employment by industry and full-time and part-time workers
  • State summary – direct, indirect and total results.

Industries in tourism are classified in two key categories:

  • Tourism characteristic industry — at least 25% of its output must be consumed by visitors
  • Tourism connected industry — must have a tourism-related product that’s directly identifiable and significant for visitor consumption.

Download regional data tables

Filter the data

You can explore data by:

  • choosing a state and a tourism region using the drop down menus
  • viewing the data for 2019-20 and the change from 2018-19 in the table
  • hovering over the chart elements to show total result.

Due to a change of content management system and technical reconfiguration, this archived PowerBi chart is not available.

Notes on the data

Results for smaller tourism regions (those with a visitor sample of 500 or less) are less reliable and will vary considerably from year to year. For this reason, estimates of GVA, GRP and employment for these smaller regions are ‘smoothed’ by taking an average over 3 years.

However, results for these regions were not smoothed in 2019-20. This is because smoothing would hide the substantial impact of the summer bushfires and COVID-19 on Australia’s regional economies.

Revisions to time series data

This release includes:

  • new data for the 2019-20 financial year
  • revised time series data for financial years 2006-07 to 2018-19.

As the time series has been revised, it replaces all previous versions. It also takes into account a number of key revisions in the source data including changes to:

  • ABS National Accounts data. This occurs yearly and directly affects GVA for each region, as well as employment
  • TRA’s regional expenditure data, which affects tourism’s economic value and share of regional economies
  • total employment and population in the regions as new information becomes publicly available. At a minimum this data is updated every five years at Census.

Contact TRA

mail   tourism.research@tra.gov.au