Year ending March 2023

The National Visitor Survey (NVS) results provide statistics on how Australian residents travel in Australia. You can find national, state and territory results for the:

  • number of trips taken
  • nights spent on a trip
  • amount spent on a trip.

You can also:

  • read about the factors influencing travel within Australia
  • see the changes compared over various timeframes impacted by COVID-19.

Annual and quarterly results

Unless we say otherwise, we compared the summary results for:

  • the March quarter 2023 to the March quarter 2020
  • the year ending March 2023 to the year ending March 2020.

Annual snapshot

Year ending March 2023

Overnight spend

$108.1 billion | Up 37%

Overnight trips

111.9 million | On Par

Nights on trip

409.4 million | Up 1%

Quarterly snapshot

March quarter 2023

Overnight spend

$27.3 billion | Up 53%

Overnight trips

28.3 million | Up 16%

Nights on trip

108.9 million | Up 13%

Domestic trips and spend key results

Year ending March 2023

  • Spend rose 37% or $29.4 billion to $108.1 billion.
  • Domestic overnight trips were on par at 111.9 million.
  • Intrastate trips rose, however interstate trips remain down. Spend was up for both:
    • Intrastate trips were up 2% to 76.9 million. Spend was up 42% to $49.4 billion.
    • Interstate trips were down 5% to 35.0 million. Spend was up 34% to $58.7 billion.
  • Trips to regional areas rose, however trips to the capital cities remain down. Spend was up for both.
    • Overnight trips to regional Australia were up 4% to 72.9 million. Spend was up 45% to $59.0 billion.
    • Capital city overnight trips were down 6% to 44.2 million. Spend was up 29% to $49.1 billion.

March quarter 2023

Domestic tourism performed strongly in the March quarter 2023. Trips, nights and spend were up on when compared to the March quarter 2020.

  • Domestic overnight trips increased by 16% to 28.3 million
  • Nights increased by 13% to 108.9 million
  • Spend increased by 53% or $9.4 billion to $27.3 billion.

Spend recovery was driven by an increase in spend on trips for:

  • holiday: up 67% or $6.6 billion
  • visiting friends and relatives: up 45% or $1.7 billion
  • business: up 32% or $1.2 billion.

Spend on key expenditure categories continue to be strong. In the March quarter 2023, the 3 highest spend categories were:

  • accommodation ($8.4 billion, up $3.5 billion or 71%)
  • food and drink ($7.8 billion, up $2.5 billion or 48%)
  • airfares ($3.2 billion, up $903 million or 40%).

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Explore overnight trips data

Interact with our data for domestic overnight trips for year ending March 2023. You can view the data by:

  • state or territory
  • capital city or region
  • interstate or intrastate trips
  • accommodation type
  • reason for travel.

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