Year ending September 2022

The International Visitor Survey (IVS) results give statistics on how international visitors travel in Australia. You can find national, state and territory results for the:

  • number of trips taken
  • nights spent on a trip
  • total amount spent on a trip
  • amount spent in Australia.

You can also:

  • read about the factors influencing international travel to Australia
  • see the changes compared over different time frames impacted by COVID-19
  • read about the return of international visitors to Australia.

Annual snapshot

Spend in Australia

Year ending September 2022 | $8.8 billion | 28% of pre-COVID levels

Number of trips

Year ending September 2022 | 2.1 million | 24% of pre-COVID levels

Nights spent in Australia

Year ending September 2022 | 88.2 million | 32% of pre-COVID levels

Total spend

Year ending September 2022 | $12.8 billion | 28% of pre-COVID levels

Notes on the data

  • We based the results on a combination of sample and imputed data. You can find more information about this on the International Visitor Survey methodology page.
  • We compared the summary results to the year ending September 2019 (pre-COVID period).
  • We have updated the January to June 2022 data. We used imputed data that better estimated how long visitors stayed in Australia.
  • Spend in Australia is different to total spend. Total spend includes purchases made overseas such as international airfares and package tours.

International trips and spend key results

International visitation to Australia continues to recover during COVID-19. There were 2.1 million trips to Australia in the year ending September 2022.

The top 3 main reasons for travel to Australia in the year ending September 2022 were:

  • Visiting friends and relatives with 1.0 million trips.
    • This was 39% of pre-COVID levels.
    • Spend was $4.5 billion, 60% of pre-COVID levels.
  • Holiday travel with 458,000 trips.
    • This was 11% of pre-COVID levels.
    • Spend was $2.0 billion, 12% of pre-COVID levels.
  • Business travel with 250,000 trips.
    • This was 25% of pre-COVID levels.
    • Spend was $1.3 billion, 31% of pre-COVID levels.

Top 5 international visitor markets

India and Singapore keep their positions in the top 5 international markets.

Australia’s top 5 international markets for the year ending September 2022 were:

  • New Zealand with 382,000 trips.
    • This was 30% of pre-COVID levels.
    • Spend was $972 million, 38% of pre-COVID levels.
  • India with 207,000 trips.
    • This was 57% of pre-COVID levels, the fastest recovering international market.
    • Spend was $1.3 billion, 74% of pre-COVID levels.
  • United Kingdom with 199,000 trips.
    • This was 30% of pre-COVID levels.
    • Spend was $1.2 billion, 37% of pre-COVID levels.
  • Singapore with 178,000 trips.
    • This was 43% of pre-COVID levels.
    • Spend was $799 million, 52% of pre-COVID levels.
  • USA with 165,000 trips.
    • This was 21% of pre-COVID levels.
    • Spend was $1.0 billion, 26% of pre-COVID levels.

Data tables

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