What’s the survey all about?

Tourism Research Australia (TRA) is currently conducting 2 research projects to collect travel data from Australian residents.

Ipsos is collecting data using phone surveys conducted with randomly selected Australian residents aged 15 years and over.

The survey, known as the National Visitor Survey, asks residents about their travel experiences both within Australia and overseas. It allows TRA to collect vital data to strengthen Australia’s tourism industry.

Roy Morgan is conducting in person interviews with randomly selected Australian residents aged 14 years and over in their homes, as well as online surveys. Roy Morgan is conducting the Domestic Tourism Statistics Survey on behalf of TRA.

How did you get my number?

A computer randomly chose your mobile phone number through a process called Random Digit Dialling.

Why did you come to my address?

Your address is one of many randomly selected from all the addresses in Australia. In completing the survey, you will represent the many hundreds of people like you. 

How long will the survey take?

The length of the survey will vary depending on the level of detail in your response and how we contact you. We estimate the survey duration to be:

  • 3 to 4 minutes for most phone surveys
  • 30 minutes for most in person surveys
  • 11 minutes for most online surveys.

Who will ring me?

Staff members of Ipsos conduct our phone surveys. 

Ipsos is a member of the Australian Data and Insights Association (ADIA). As such, staff abide by The Research Society (TRS) Code of Professional Behaviour.


Even if you are on the "Do not call" register or have a silent number, Ipsos are still legally able to call you. Ipsos are exempt from this rule because they are conducting market research not selling a product.

Who will visit me?

A Field Research Officer from Roy Morgan will conduct the interview with you at your home. They will clearly identify themselves as from Roy Morgan and will provide you with information if you have any questions after the survey. 

Roy Morgan staff abide by TRS’ Code of Professional Behaviour.


Even if you have a 'Do not knock’ sticker on your home, Roy Morgan are still legally able to call you. These officers are exempt from this role as they are conducting market research, not selling a product.

Is my information safe?

Yes, absolutely. All data is collected under strict privacy guidelines, compliant with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988. All answers are completely anonymous.

The data TRA receives at the end of the survey period does not contain your contact details. Nor does it contain other information that could identify you or any other respondent.

What questions will I be asked?

We may ask about your travel behaviour, including:

  • where you went
  • your reason for travel
  • what method of transport you chose
  • the activities you engaged in
  • how much you spent, where you stayed
  • who travelled with you.

We will also ask you some personal details including your age, marital status and your combined family income.

Other questions will relate to general attitudes, behaviours and experiences which are not related to travel behaviour.

Your responses will allow us to build the most accurate picture possible of Australian travellers and their preferences.

How will the survey results be used?

We publish the detailed quarterly survey results in March, June, September and December.

The information collected helps the tourism industry, researchers, and all levels of government better understand Australia’s visitor economy. With this information, we can work together to improve the tourism experience for all Australians.

What if I have more questions?

You can contact us at any time at tourism.research@tra.gov.au.

Thank you!

We appreciate your contribution to the National Visitor Survey, Australia’s most respected source on domestic travellers within our country.

Your answers will help the tourism industry improve travel experiences for all Australian residents, and grow the tourism industry and jobs.